Source tagging is the application of
EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) labels including 58KHz AM Anti-theft tags
and 8.2MH RF anti-theft tags onto products or packaging during the
manufacturing or packaging process. Many retail products have these EAS labels
or tags which are anti-theft devices that trigger alarms at or near store exits
when the tags have not been deactivated at the checkout. Major retailers
recently committed to chainwide implementation of EAS systems thus requiring
many of their OEM suppliers to quickly implement source tagging into their
manufacturing operations. Source tagging will benefit these retailers by giving
them the ability to have more open merchandising of high-theft products.
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source tagging
Source tagging is the application of EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) labels including 58KHz AM Anti-theft tags and 8.2MH RF anti-the...

Acousto-magnetic systems ? These are similar to magnetic tags in that they are made of three strips, two strips of amorphous metal...
个人简介 符澜:女,19岁,汉族,共青团员,1999年6月生。2016年进入清华大学生物医学工程系学习。曾参加2016年新生骨干训练营、第33期暑期团校,曾任生医6班宣传委员、医学院-药学院团委宣传调研组干事、校团委学习实践部地域发展组干事、校团委组织部骨...